Mary’s Videos Are Free, But Donations For Production Are Greatly Appreciated! 

Mary’s Videos Are Free, But One Time or Monthly Donations For Production Are Greatly Appreciated! 

Monthly Patreon Support 

Patreon allows users to support artists on a monthly basis at any amount you choose & recieve special access to private content & live streams . My Patreon producers not only help fund the creation of my work, but they are the team I turn to for input on my future projects. During my European tour Producers will have access to a private Facebook group & private section of this website where I will live stream my exploration of different cities, have hangouts with the artists I perform with, & my performances whenever venues permit. Additionally, all Patreon producers are thanked & credited in all my solo videos going forward

Or Make a One Time Donation 

If you prefer to make a one time donation just use the donate button here. Supporters who make a one time donation will also be included in the private facebook group & other special content. All donations are so incredibly appreciated! Thank you thank you!